Trusted HVAC Resources Amid COVID-19

For most of us, this is our first experience living through a pandemic.  For the HVAC engineer, we’ve spent our careers concerned with indoor environmental air quality.  This is not new to us.  Interestingly, as you scroll through LinkedIn or read your Apple News feed, it seems everyone is now an expert on how to handle infectious diseases in the built environment.  There are webinars and articles galore referencing science and opinions from every corner of the earth.

When we encounter problems in HVAC that we don’t immediately know the answer to, we go to the resources developed by ASHRAE.  Need to know the design day temperatures for Topeka, Kansas?  Go to Chapter 14 of the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.  Looking to save energy in your most recent school design?  Refer to the Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Buildings.  Designing a lab, tall building, hospital or data center?  ASHRAE has developed design guides for each of those building types and more.  At UEP, our engineers frequently refer to ASHRAE Handbook Chapters on piping design, load calculations and domestic water heating.

The recent pandemic is no exception.  ASHRAE has established an Epidemic Task Force, comprised of the most talented and qualified individuals in our industry, combining their knowledge into a concise location, easily accessible at  Resources that were previously member-only content are now available to public.  Although there are plenty of experts and scientists with valuable content beyond the umbrella of ASHRAE, you can be assured that information presented by ASHRAE has been vetted by the HVAC industry’s most competent professionals.

As we navigate through this “new normal” it’s important to look to our trusted partners for advice and guidance.  Like ASHRAE, we hope that you view United Energy Products as a trusted resource.  We have developed online webinars tailored to our specific customer’s needs, including equipment and applications.  Please visit our UEP University page for more information on our wide variety of webinar topics. Or, for assistance with your design and procurement projects, please contact us today!