Fulton Boilers Boast Industry-Leading Efficiencies

Fulton has worked hard since its founding in 1949 to be an industry leader in creating high efficiency, low emission, long lasting products that minimize environmental impact.

Fulton’s Classic boilers have a time-proven design featuring a Flue Gas Enhancing system (FGE). A highly efficient two pass design, the FGE system works by using a massive heat transfer surface with high velocity flue gasses traveling over a cylindrical grid of heat convection fins. Through controlled velocities these fins transmit additional heat evenly to the outer side of the water vessel, creating high efficiencies with lower stack temperatures.

Around the globe, Fulton’s high-efficiency products reduce fossil fuel usage and lower CO2 emissions by thousands of tons annually as compared to standard efficiency equipment.

Here are a few more specific areas where Fulton is reducing emissions and increasing efficiency:

Low NOx As Standard – Fulton has spearheaded low NOx burner development for decades, designing and building low emission burners for each of our core products. Today, all new product development at Fulton is low NOx as standard. Fulton continues to invest heavily in the next generation of low emission technologies with flagship products like the VSRT Steam Boiler and ENDURA+ hydronic boiler.

Zero Emissions Products – Fulton offers a full range of boilers and thermal fluid heaters featuring zero on-site emissions. Learn more about their Electric steam boilers and Electric thermal fluid heaters.

Reducing Waste with Rugged Designs and Long-Lasting Materials – Fulton has built a reputation for long-lasting equipment. Fulton boilers are built with materials far exceeding ASME code minimums and advanced analysis is used to ensure low-stress vessel designs. Fulton boilers reliably last more than 30 years, reducing resource use.