UEP Attends Enervex National Sales Meeting


In November, UEP Sales Engineer, Todd Strausberg attended Enervex’s National Sales Meeting on behalf of UEP. Held at their headquarters in Alpharetta, Georgia, the two-day event was attended by manufacturing representatives like UEP from across the country. Todd says it was a great opportunity to learn about product updates, company performance, as well as future plans at Enervex. They enjoyed great southern hospitality, a tour of their facilities, and a chance to hear directly from top executives about where Enervex’s research and development is headed.

Looking to the future, Enervex noted that while there is a national and global push to move beyond fossil fuels, this transition will take decades to complete. One of the best ways Enervex feels they can contribute to reducing environmental impact now, is through their heat recovery systems, which can significantly increase efficiency by putting otherwise wasted heat energy to work.

Todd (right) is pictured here with Rob Kral, Director of sales for Enervex.